- Home
At Lern-Forum, we offer preparatory courses to help you prepare for gymnasium entrance exams, BMS exams, IMS exams and exams in the trail period. We also offer intensive courses in German, French, English, Latin and Mathematics.
- Gymnasium Preparation
Lern-Forum offers structured and complete gymnasium exam preparation alongside school semesters. We also offer intensive courses during school breaks and holidays. We offer courses in Zurich and Aargau. More information and registration here.
Entrance examination Preparatory courses for short and long-track gymnasium, BMS, IMS and FMS. Lern-Forum also offers courses in French, German, Mathematics, English and Latin.
- Probationary period gymnasium preparation
In our secondary school preparation, we repeat important skills from elementary school and thus build a stable framework for the new and further learning content.
- Courses Aargau
Lern-Forum offers efficient preparatory courses for Bezirks and secondary canton schools in Aargau.
- DaZ
At the Lern-Forum Zurich, your children learn German as a second language in a playful way, close to everyday life. For quick results.
- Online lessons
Study for the Gymi exam individually - prepare at home - with tests and lessons according to your needs
- Multicheck
Success in life amounts to more than just good marks. We offer a wide selection of courses: Multicheck, Basic check, typing course, etc...
- Blog
In our blog you will find everything you need to know about learning, current exam preparation topics and news about us.
- Course locations
Lern-Forum course locations in Zurich, Zurich Stadelhofen, Winterthur, Wohlen, Baden.
- Contact
Contact Lern-Forum, information about prices course start registration exam preparation