Why it takes more than “just” Mathematics and German to be admitted to gymnasium
When it comes to preparing their children for grammar school, many parents think primarily of German and Mathematics. From 2023 at the latest, however, this is a big risk - because the "experience grade" will then be just as important for the short grammar school. We explain what will change from 2023 and what this means for exam preparation.
German and Mathematics are no longer enough for the Short-Term High School
While only German and Mathematics actually play a role in admission to the long-term Gymnasium (50% examination grade German and Mathematics, 50% preliminary grades German and Mathematics of the February report), the result of the entrance examination for the short-term Gymnasium will be composed somewhat differently from 2023: In addition to the examination grade from German and Mathematics, the following subjects will be weighted equally via the so-called "experience grade": German, Mathematics, French, English, Nature & Technology (Physics, Chemistry, Biology). The final score consists of 50% examination grade and 50% experience grade together. With a final grade of at least 4.75, the entrance examination is passed.
- Examination grade: 5 in German, 4 in Mathematics
- Field Notes : 4.5 in German, 4.5 in Mathematics, 5.5 in French,
- 5.5 in English, 5 in Nature & Technology
- Final score: 4.75
Many parents neglect the experience grade
The experience grade for the Gymi exam is just as important as the exam grade. That's exactly why our supplementary courses exist: We help students lay the foundation for good report card grades early on so that they receive very good experience grades - and thus already have one leg up in the short grammar school.
- In the supplementary courses, we provide students with comprehensive support to close gaps in their school lessons and systematically improve their report card grades.
- If you want to prepare your child optimally, it is no longer enough to focus" only" on German and Mathematics. With a combination of preparatory and supplementary courses, you can cover all subjects relevant for admission. This way, your child will keep better grades and will be perfectly prepared for the exam at the same time.
Another reason why comprehensive exam preparation is important: Until now, students with an exam grade between 3.75 and 4.0 could take part in an oral re-examination and still manage to gain admission in this way. However, such a "second chance" via an oral examination will no longer exist from 2023.
Yes, for private school students, only the exam grade counts in 2023 as well. And for elementary schools with proficiency levels, the preliminary grades of the relevant subjects are only taken into account if all the subjects that count were attended at the highest proficiency level. If this is not the case, only the examination grade counts here as well. So in these two cases, it would still be sufficient if your child's exam preparation focused only on German and Mathematics.
One thing is certain: from 2023, admission to the gymnasium will become much more difficult. Comprehensive preparation is therefore becoming increasingly important - but with supplementary and school-accompanying courses, you can significantly increase your child's chances of admission to the short grammar school. If you would like to benefit from our courses, simply follow this link for more information about what we offer: [Link]

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