Computer science middle school 2022
For whom is the IMS suitable?
After successfully completing lower secondary school, students have a variety of paths open to them as to how they would like to continue with their education. If a specific career or study wish has already been established, but no Matura or direct vocational apprenticeship is being pursued, there are excellent opportunities in Switzerland to pursue one's goals nonetheless.
If you are thinking about studying computer science or going directly into the IT industry, it is worthwhile for you to attend an intermediate computer science school (IMS). What you can expect there and what the training path looks like are described in more detail below. This may make it easier for you to decide what to do after lower secondary school.
The IMS follows on from the 3rd grade of secondary school. Not only is computer science knowledge taught, but it is combined with business knowledge, mathematics and languages, so that a comprehensive general education with specialist knowledge is taught. The curriculum usually includes the following subjects and pays attention to practice-related learning material:
Career-oriented subjects: computer science, learning and work techniques, interdisciplinary project work
Basic subjects: German, English, French, Mathematics
Special subjects: finance and accounting, economics and law
Complementary subjects: history and politics, technology and environment, sports
The duration of the training is 4 years. The last year includes an internship in an IT company or department.
After successful completion, you will receive the professional baccalaureate. This enables you to study at a University of Applied Sciences, e.g. in the field of information technology, communication, or business and administration, without having to take the Matura. You do not even have to take an entrance exam. However, you can also start your professional life directly.
In addition, with appropriate performance, there is also the possibility of taking the passage. After passing the supplementary examination, you will receive the general university entrance qualification and thus the authorization to study at all Swiss universities, the ETH or the University of Teacher Education. The preparation for this takes place either in self-study or at designated schools.
Qualifications at a glance:
- Federally recognized certificate of proficiency (EFZ) in information technology, specializing in application development
- Federally recognized certificate of proficiency for the commercial vocational baccalaureate
- Exam-free admission to a University of Applied Sciences
- Profession Programmer
If you are interested in training at an IMS, there are a variety of locations available. We have compiled a list of possible IMS in Switzerland for you:
School | Contact details |
Alten KS Aarau: | Bahnhofstrasse 91, 5001 Aarau |
KS Hottingen: | Minervastr.14, 8090 Zürich |
KS Büelrain: | Rosenstrasse 1, 8400 Winterthur |
KS | Steinentischstrasse 10, 8002 Zürich |
KS | Ringstrasse 10, 8500 Frauenfeld |
BWD Bern: | Papiermühlestrasse 65, 3014 Bern |
IMS | Andreas Heusler-Str. 41, 4052 Basel |
FMZ | Hirschengraben 10, 6002 Luzern |
Aargauische KS Baden: | Seminarstrasse 3, 5400 Baden |
Depending on the school, applicants must undergo an admission procedure. Attendance at the IMS is suitable for high-achieving students who are interested in technical and economic areas and have a rapid absorption capacity.
A high level of concentration, perseverance and problem-oriented work are also necessary to succeed in the field of computer science. In addition, you should generally enjoy working with technical devices such as PCs, tablets, etc. and be open to digital advances and changes.

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