4th grade Registration for Gymnasium Preparation

Successful learning in small groups: Group size max. 8 students

All advertised courses will definitely take place from 3 participants upwards.
Several courses will be held simultaneously.

CourseLevelStarting dateTimeLocationDetailsCost CHFAvailable
4. Wo Sommerferien
Vorkurs 4. Klasse (M/D)
Ende 4. Kl. Primar05.08.24 - 09.08.2409:00 - 12:00Zürich StadelhoferplatzDetails 980.-- many Register
5. Wo Sommerferien
Vorkurs 4. Klasse (M/D)
Ende 4. Kl. Primar12.08.24 - 16.08.2409:00 - 12:00Zürich Stadelhofen MühlebachDetails 980.-- many Register

Do you have any questions?

Susanna Roshardt
Management Administration
Tel. 044 262 01 75

Course dates and registration
Free spots