Register easily

This is how essay correction works:

  1. Register with name and email address so we can return the essay to you.
  2. Check your mailbox and complete the registration. If you have not received an e-mail, please check your spam folder.
  3. After you have completed the registration, log in.
  4. Now you can choose an essay topic, write an essay and upload it.
  5. After that the payment is due. You can pay by e-banking or by PayPal.
  6. We will now start the correction process and you will receive the corrected essay and a detailed evaluation within 7 days.

User Registration

You are only one click away

register for free

It is quite simple:

  1. Register for free
  2. Upload essay
  3. Für die Korrektur fälligen Betrag überweisen (CHF 84.-- für 1 Aufsatz, CHF 305.-- für 4 Aufsätze)
  4. Receive rating!