Mathematics Probationary Period Gymnasium

Making it through the probationary period

The probationary period lasts 6 months.

We bring your child to the required level. Individual support in small groups.

Registration of Mathematics course

1. Wo Herbstferien
Mathematik Probezeit  
Starting date 07.10.24 - 11.10.24
Time 14:30 - 16:30
Location Zürich Stadelhofen Mühlebach
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Level 1. Kl. Langgymi
Cost CHF 840.00 CHF
Seats available 7
Event 5

Montag - Freitag 07.10.24 - 11.10.24

Mathematik Probezeit 1. Klasse Langzeitgymnasium

14:30 - 16:30 h

Classroom Mühlebachstr. 43 - 1. Stock
Teacher --
Information of the Student

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Courses at Kreuzplatz  near Stadelhofen station.

Mathematics trial period

When transferring to the gymnasium or the upper school, even students with good grades in elementary school can suddenly experience difficulties.

Mathematics is more complex and the learning speed is higher. Book a Mathematics trial course now, before it's too late.