Registration Mathematics Bridge Course

Learning objectives

It is recommended to attend a preparatory Mathematics course after passing the entrance examination to the short-term gymnasium or the BMS. This applies in particular if the Mathematics grade in the entrance examination is barely sufficient.

We sharpen the understanding of Mathematical "blemishes" (exact notation), learn to listen and at the same time understand, copy and specific questioning.

To get students used to a faster pace.

4. Wo Sommerferien
Mathematik Probezeitvorkurs  
Starting date 05.08.24 - 09.08.24
Time 10:30 - 12:30
Location Zürich Stadelhoferplatz
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Level 8./9. Klasse
Cost CHF 890.00 CHF
Seats available 8
Event 5

Ferienkurs Montag - Freitag

05.08.24 - 09.08.24

10:30 - 12:30 h

Classroom Mühlebachstr. 2 - 3. Stock
Teacher --
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Courses at Kreuzplatz  near Stadelhofen station.

Stay safe in the Short-Term High School

In the bridge course, prospective high school students learn the basics of high school mathematics.

  • Set theory
  • Systems of equations
  • binomial formulas
  • Functions
  • Beam sets
  • Topics of the 1st class Short-Term High School