Registration Preparation Computer Science Gymnasium

Factsheet IMS-Preparation course (Scope of service)

15 x Saturday13 x Wednesday and Saturday

IMS Course Dates

IMS 5. Woche Sommerferien
Starting date 12.08.24 - 16.08.24
Time 09.00 - 12.00
Location Zürich Stadelhoferplatz
Level 3. Sek.
Event 5
Days Montag - Freitag 12.08.24 - 16.08.24
9.00 h - 12.00 h
Classroom Mühlebachstr. 2 - 3. Stock
Teacher Frau E. Scheiring
Exam Mo./Di. 28.Okt/29. Okt. 2024
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Susanna Roshardt
Management Administration
Tel. 044 262 01 75

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