Registration long-term gymnasium

Successful learning in small groups: Group size max. 8 students

All advertised courses will definitely take place from 3 participants upwards.
Several courses will be held simultaneously.

School preparatory course on Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday

Samstag (18 mal)
Starting date 24.08.24
Time 11:20 - 13:30
Location Zürich Stadelhofen Mühlebach
Level 6. Klasse
Event 18
Days Samstag 11:20 h - 13.30 h
Kurstag 18 mal
Classroom Mühlebachstr. 43 - 1. Stock
Teacher Frau X. Lillo / D. Kivanc
Anmeldungback to list

School parallel courses 2024

Do you have any questions?

Susanna Roshardt
Management Administration
Tel. 044 262 01 75

Simulation exam "like real"

Practicing the emergency

Students have the opportunity to write a simulated entrance exam under real exam conditions.

The correction and evaluation is carried out according to the same standards as the real entrance exam.

Learn more

New: Courses on Sunday

Many sporty children are busy on Saturday with competitions, football matches, etc.
By popular demand, we now also run preparation courses on Sunday.

Repetition courses

During the holidays we run group courses in:
French (formal grammar, text comprehension, text production)
Mathematics (separated by stages)
German (Primary/High School)

All subjects can be booked individually
Per subject daily 2 courses 60 min each.

Learn more

Gymnasium preparation holiday courses

The Lern-Forum offers Gymnasium preparation courses during holidays in Zurich.

Learn more