Registration preparation district and secondary school

Course dates preparation district and secondary school

5. Wo Sommerferien
Check 5/6 Math/D/E
Starting date 05.08.24 - 10.08.24
Time 09:00 - 12:00
Location Lern-Forum Wohlen
Level Ende 5. Primar
Event 5
Days Montag - Freitag
05.08.24 - 10.08.24
09:00 h - 12:00 h
Deutsch, Mathematik, Englisch
Ende 5. Klasse
Classroom Zentralstr. 17 - 2. Stock
Teacher --
Anmeldungback to list

Content course folder check 5

New: Check 5 already in fifth grade

Do you have any questions?

Susanna Roshardt
Management Administration
Tel. 044 262 01 75

Repetition in small groups

  • German
  • Mathematics

5th grade elementary school

Info transfer to the district / sec.