Registration preparation district and secondary school

Course dates preparation district and secondary school

1. Wo Frühlingsferien
Check 5/6 Math/Deutsch
Starting date 07.04.25 - 11.04.25
Time 09:00 - 12:00
Location Lern-Forum Wohlen
more info
Level 5. Kl. Primar
Cost CHF 920.00 CHF
Seats available 8
Event 5

Montag - Freitag

09:00 Uhr . 12:00 Uhr

07.04.25 - 11.04.25

Classroom Zentralstr. 17 - 2. Stock
Teacher --
Information of the Student

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Content course folder check 5

New: Check 5 already in fifth grade

Do you have any questions?

Susanna Roshardt
Management Administration
Tel. 044 262 01 75

Repetition in small groups

  • German
  • Mathematics

5th grade elementary school

Info transfer to the district / sec.